Wednesday 19 August 2009

i’m a lousy person

im historically bad with keeping up with anything. From knitting projects (which prove too adventurous or because a better looking project waltzes past me with a come hither look) to reading all the way through a book.
Therefore i will now make an effort to keep this blog up to date.
My knitting has been substantial over the last half a year. most of my knitted accomplishments have been given away as gifts so i have no pictures however i shall dig up the few things i kept for myself and photo them and post them in due course.
Ido have a few excuses for my poor blogging history, these include bad internet connections, going through my second year of A- levels (i get my results tommorow) and lots of other little things that trail of in unintelligible mumbling noises due to them actually being a product of my laziness. my apologies for being crap, photos nd lots of knit talk to come. xoxo

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