Saturday 29 November 2008

ill sock it to ya

ok hav taken rest from knit rabbit, i hate sewing up, its a nightmare, all my perfectly knit pieces just look like rags. i am not a happy bunny (no pun intended) in desperation to take my mind off the annoyingly strange looking bunny have decided to do socks. im not good at socks, iv onli ever knit one and a half pairs, the first were hideously misshapen and too small, the second were meant to be for my mother and when i realised that somewere in the intricate lace pattern i had indeed "lost" a stitch i gave up, knowing that i wouldnt be able to get the socks just right without unravelling all the way back to the heel (i was nearly at the toe) i have resigned them to the back of my wardrobe were it is likely they will forever stay.

Here is the amazing new yarn i bought from the wool shop (1st pic) it is supposed to be fairisle!!! it actually knits up into a pattern!!!! not just stripes but a whole pattern!!! am thinking is fake, maybe lady in wool shop was desperate to get rid of me so sent me off with evil wool to give punishment for extensive yarn browsing. will try the wool and see

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